Flash Card Info

Remember I know I did a good job 1 Parent said they’d seen an amazing transformation It’s one daft mistake, I’m only human. The association and club made significant mistakes also. I have made it through awful times before I am getting help to get better I can still experience connections to other and get … Read more

Today my living with my parents is really getting to me now, the same old habits like not listening to me, not speaking to me like im more than 10 years of ages. Usual habits. I have been helping them as much as I can, getting things done around the house and stuff but now … Read more

Couple of days ago I woke up to a load of cold sweats, absolute total fear. One of those absolute nightmares came back, this one was all about gemma. Cut a long story short is it was effectively me trying again with Gemma in a relationship, a short period of time then subsequently the relationship … Read more

Some more writing, last night I got really sick again. I was watching some of the women’s world cup and it triggered some memory that perhaps I don’t want to remember. I ended up falling into trap of trying to find people on social media, subsequently I discovered I have some more people who have … Read more

Following the conversation at the Doc’s I went to my GP, basically reporting that the phycologist is soon to come to an end, was looking to get something to help me manage the emotions better. The doc obliged and provided me something called duloxetine, I don’t know whether it’s been some sort of placebo but … Read more

Small Note

So yeah. Conversation yesterday was more devastating than expected. After I left my appointment I went to my parent’s and just lost it entirely, tears all over the place. The fact of the help i get coming to an end and the money issue just got to me entirely. The fact I get to have … Read more


Thought I would write while my mind was around. Been doing a really good job of fending off the loneliness basically by immersing myself in this game, also been working really hard on some university stuff and subsequently i might make it after all. There has been days that I haven’t actually spoken in person … Read more


Something I wanted to write. Thursday there I had a catastrophic fit, mainly because I was on my own. It was really scary to the point where I was on the phone to my parents and I got really emotional. Been a write off past couple of days as a result now. Strange thing that … Read more


That guy that says all good things come to an end eh? Past few days have had positive and negatives, was my dads birthday and again he wasnt drinking and I had a great time hanging out with him. Then there was my mum, again a positive was I think she is enjoying the fact … Read more

Wanted to write a little something, which was very interesting. I got very mad the past couple of days and I have been making an effort on following the theme of all the schemas mentioned in our conversations. I currently write to you after a number of vodka and cokes, so I suppose my judgement … Read more