Category: Uncategorized

  • Gareth Bale

    So the talk of today is Gareth Bale, 100 million euro man has been discussed and examined endlessly to the level where people are cursing the very existence of sky sports news. Today I have made the healthy decision to avoid hurling myself aboard that particular bandwagon.What I’m going to have a look at is…

  • Q&A Rixx Javix

    So, if you are a regular you know the routine by now. We are back again and to me it seemed sensible to get another CSM candidate along for a conversation. So here goes. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Rixx Javix and I’m the CEO of Stay Frosty, one…

  • Q&A About Coaching

    Today we have a very special guest, not going to say much because that’s something we want her to do. So without any further rambling lets see how special our guest is today. So for our lovely audience, make those introductions? My name is Caitlin O’Hara, I’ve been involved in football of the female variety…

  • Loot Retrieval Little something I came up with, powershell script to run on your local desktop – will quietly retrieve your latest exported loot sheet and present it on your desktop as a spreadsheet 🙂

  • Retiring from Coaching.

    I know I haven’t updates here, as it turns out for over 6 months now, but I was wandering around youtube and I came across a particularly interesting TedTalk. Sums up the reasoning why I retired from coaching perfectly. Please enjoy.