Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • University Code

    # Solution for COMP07027 coursework 2019# Written by B002329229# April 2019 # keymodules imported to operate codeimport datetimeimport osimport sysimport jsonimport pprintimport pickle class God_of_Batches: # initialise datastructure to manage batches def __init__(self): self.batch_number = 0 self.batches = {} # create new batch of components, incrementing batch number, returns new_batch id, batch def create_new_batch(self): self.batch_number…

  • Stem Presentation

    Introduction Chat Some information on what I do, coach, epilepsy, university, interests.STEM – 4 subjects and explain how these 4 subjects created everything you use.Rule is i talk you listen, you talk i listenExample about how much work is needing done (guess amount of words)Dont work in a call centre 15min Practical section 20min How…

  • Gareth Bale

    So the talk of today is Gareth Bale, 100 million euro man has been discussed and examined endlessly to the level where people are cursing the very existence of sky sports news. Today I have made the healthy decision to avoid hurling myself aboard that particular bandwagon.What I’m going to have a look at is…

  • Q&A Rixx Javix

    So, if you are a regular you know the routine by now. We are back again and to me it seemed sensible to get another CSM candidate along for a conversation. So here goes. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Rixx Javix and I’m the CEO of Stay Frosty, one…

  • Q&A About Coaching

    Today we have a very special guest, not going to say much because that’s something we want her to do. So without any further rambling lets see how special our guest is today. So for our lovely audience, make those introductions? My name is Caitlin O’Hara, I’ve been involved in football of the female variety…

  • Loot Retrieval

    https://github.com/ScotDex/LootHistoryRetrieval Little something I came up with, powershell script to run on your local desktop – will quietly retrieve your latest exported loot sheet and present it on your desktop as a spreadsheet 🙂

  • Phantomite – Q&A

    So since you all missed out on your bi-weekly dose of between 2 keepstars, I thought I would make an extra effort and produce another one of my try hard articles. As promised I continue my series of conversations with various different victims of my social media DM’s So for our lovely audience, let’s cover…

  • Coaching – Suggestions

    1. To get equipment ready and put away after session – I have significant experience working in this environment, training sessions setup and warm up setup was ready and prepared before the team would show up for training on each training night. 2. To ensure session starts and finish on time – during my time…

  • Academy Snippets

    Thought I might write about the ideas because I’m shit at using presentations. Biggest and most important issue is your overflow of players, keeping in mind this is never a bad thing. My idea would be keep your senior and core players together as a senior performance team, the second group would be the additional…

  • Crystals Girls – Nicole Cums to England. By Jessica Collins

    Sweaty and tired from what feels like an endless day of packing, I secure another long strip of thick black masking tape over the folds of the cube shaped brown cardboard box in front of me relieved that it is the last one, I use what little strength I have left and push it up…

Got any book recommendations?