Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Dome

      Some thing that would be an interesting idea, Borrusia created something called the robonaut. The way it works is you are given a crisp pass by an automated ball passing machine (if that’s a thing) The pass is direct and authoritative. Your task is to hit one of 64 available panels in the dome…

  • Pie and Bovril

      Another link to be added to the site, the forum that goes by the lovely name pieandbovril, the forum covers a vast array of subjects from gambling to gaming. A sprinkling of scottish football is thrown in there somewhere aswell.    

  • SAFA Forum

    In the latest of a series of links giving you locations and info on all the latest things football, I give you the ultimate forum where all thing Scottish amateur football has to offer, originally designed as an innocent hobby it gradually evolved into the centralised hub of communication for all things saturday and sunday…

  • Playlisting

      The classic playlist option from youtube. Which is nice. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpq29-kBzuINJyZf3udQT7r-5sH5Lz4tc

  • Shape Training

    This routine is mostly ideal at 7s level, as it transmits the importance of keeping a decent shape when without the ball. Layout All players, set out in the traditional 7 aside shape, 2 at the back 3 mid and one up top. Action The ball begins at one of the central defenders, the pass…

  • Footwork

    Layout – 2 footballs, 2 players, 11s or 7s goals and your GK Action – Position the goalkeeper on his line, he/she starts at one post and a player throw, catch and return. Remaining on his line the GK moves as quickly as possible to the opposite post and repeats. Progressions – If you want to…

  • Possession Box

    To start with a 20 by 20 possession box, 8 players in there 4v4. Another 4 players, at least 1 placed on each side. The 4v4 1 bibbed and one not. You are not guaranteed 12 players so you will need to make changes to the setup to suit the amount of players you have. Action –…

  • Shuttle Running

    Another routine based on the periodic training mentioned in previous posts. https://youtu.be/VvJb3f6SqmU

  • Interview – Eastfield Star

    Good evening folks, The point of today’s broadcast is just a bit of fun, to make public the efforts of the modern amateur team, and their ongoing mission to progress and develop into the ultimate football club. For todays interview we have gaffer wullie mclaren eastfield star with me to answer a few questions. G…

  • The Barrier

    Another duplicate post, please go back to the barrier to learn what I’m talking about.  

Got any book recommendations?