Stem Presentation

Introduction Chat

Some information on what I do, coach, epilepsy, university, interests.
STEM – 4 subjects and explain how these 4 subjects created everything you use.
Rule is i talk you listen, you talk i listen
Example about how much work is needing done (guess amount of words)
Dont work in a call centre


Practical section


How would you like to break into things for a living?

Research words

White Hat Hacker
Black Hat Hacker
Grey Hat Hacker


Stories of hackers.

Moonpig story.
329 people have received a bounty so far. Some are professional researchers; others are students or part-timers. The youngest bounty recipient to date is 13 years old.
Why is hacking a good thing, and a bad thing.

Black Hat Hacker – Criminal – this is wrong (picture of guy in the jail)
White Hat Hacker – Rules of Engagement (agreed conduct throughout operation), productive, penetration testing, break into things then fix vulnerability.
Recon – Learning about subject, passwords, information to access, social media linked in etc
Social Engineering – Using information to manipulate (speaking to staff members to learn information, persuade to get tour etc etc) – Andy Gill – breaking into casino/hacks a web site for a living

Have a couple of visuals of a guy in jail for emphasise on how these guys are bad.

Bad guys – hacking methods (15min)

Explain some hacking methods – get a kid up pretend to be computer – everyone else try to get my attention – DDOS attack.

Slow Lloris Attack – multiple kids up and i pretend to be the server – everyone wanting my attention but not saying anything/1 word.

Coding Section (30min)

Have web site available.

Will have a number of scripts available.

Example of advanced scripts – sample of

Simple stuff

print (“hello world”)
print (“2*2”)
print (6/2)

X = 6
Y = 7

print (x)

x = “kids name here”
print(“Python is ” + x)

(make sure there is a space after is)

CTL L to clear console

Challenge to come up with something more

Source code example.

Couple of stories in real life emphasising on how learning to code is useful (15 min)

Project on how language sped up configuring server from 3 days to 20 min

A project I done was to get an exchange working, for up to 30 people which included manually adding people through the server. Took me a few days, a friend in college who is a little bit older knew alot about coding, used a script to use all information on the spreadsheet and add to the server within a matter of seconds.

Subject of Networking – Numerous switch configuration can be scripted.

A switch connects loads of computers together, but there’s lots of ways how to do that but someone has to go and program the switch. Depending on how much, can take up to 2 hours. Then you have several switches. A script can make those 2 hours just 20 minutes.

Questions (remaining amount of time)

Who in your life has social media, family members etc?
Why is this a bad password to have? – (password1) – have this as visual.
Hacking method (reminder of jail time) where brute force can be done, simpler password = easier to break into – facebook is a good sample.

Shouldn’t have because min age online is 13.

A few special files on the internet which contain a special dictionary – (rewatch video again)

Tips on places to go and learn about coding.

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